Monday, December 31, 2007

Row Row Row Your Boat

This "I Love You Ritual" has changed our family life the most. From the baby at 4 months old to my 4 year old -- they all love it! It's become a part of the night time routine with Daddy. And if he forgets -- the kids remind him they want to do it.

He's also added a level with "Hurricane."

What was a stressful time at the end of the day has now become something the whole family looks forward to.

How about you? When do you use this ritual? How has it changed your life?

1 comment:

LeslieintheKeys said...

Nancy recently shared this I Love You ritual at a mom's group. More than 10 moms sat around a circle and sang Row Row Row Your Boat. All of the babies were grinning and cooing. Since then, I've continued the ritual with my son at home and he loves it. Thanks for teaching us this wonderfully fun and interactive way to love our children, Nancy!