Friday, January 22, 2010

Elbow to Elbow - Extended Version

Use this to make your dinner times more fun! I sat between my two year old and four year old at dinner. One was chowing down and the other was hard to start on the process. I sang "Elbow to elbow" tapping elbows with my son on the left. Then I alternated with my daughter on the right. We ate and laughed! All four needs were met: eye contact, gentle touch, presence, and playfulness.

Here's the extended version for you to try...

Elbow to elbow 1 - 2 - 3.
Elbow to elbow you love me.
Elbow to elbow you're smiling at me.
Elbow to elbow you're laughing with me.
Elbow to elbow you're eating with me.

... you get the idea - tap, sing, repeat.


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